Protect Your Smartphone with Mobile Antivirus During Vacation
LS2EC Protect Your Smartphone with Mobile Antivirus During Vacation As vacation time approaches, you’re probably planning to take your smartphone with you to stay connected, take photos, and maybe

Cyber attacks: a company’s worst nightmare in the digital age
Cyber attacks: a company’s worst nightmare in the digital age Still wondering if cybersecurity consulting is a job that really pays? Here are 3 dramatic examples that prove that cybersecurity

HYBRID CLOUD: definition The hybrid cloud combines private cloud, public cloud and on-premises infrastructure, enabling applications to be managed, arranged and moved between the three. As a result, a company

YANG : DEFINITION Yang is a configuration and state data modeling language. IETF’S net mod has established the yang modeling language as a standard. In other words, the Yang language

The cybersecurity skills most in demand on the job market in 2023
Cybersecurity skills are increasingly in demand on the job market due to the exponential growth in cyber threats. Cybersecurity involves protecting computer systems, networks and sensitive data from malicious attacks.

Cybersecurity training: how to stand out in the job market
Cybersecurity is a constantly evolving field, and one that is becoming increasingly important for businesses. As a result, the demand for trained professionals in this field is on the rise,

The most important cybersecurity certifications for professionals
Cybersecurity certifications are very important for professionals working in this field, as they enable them to demonstrate their skills and expertise in information systems security. There are many cybersecurity certifications

The benefits of cybersecurity training for employers
La formation en cybersécurité est un enjeu crucial pour les entreprises dans un monde de plus en plus connecté. Avec l’augmentation de la fréquence et de la gravité des attaques

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cybersecurity training and how to adapt to it
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact worldwide, including on the cybersecurity training sector. Businesses and governments have realized the importance of cybersecurity, as more and more workers have