Cybersecurity: The steps of a penetration test

Cybersecurity: The steps of a penetration test

IT security is an increasingly important issue in our society, with the explosion in the use of the Internet and digital tools. To protect companies and individuals against computer attacks, it is essential to carry out penetration tests, also known as “pentests”. In this article, we take a look at the steps involved in a penetration test, from reconnaissance to post-exploitation.


The first step in a penetration test is reconnaissance. This means gathering information about the target, be it a company or an individual. The information collected can be of various kinds: IP addresses, domain names, employee information, etc. The aim is to gather as much information as possible about the target. The aim is to gather as much information as possible to facilitate further testing.

   2.Collecting information

Once recognition is complete, it’s time to move on to information gathering. This stage consists of analyzing the information gathered in the first stage, in order to determine the target’s vulnerabilities. Various techniques can be used to gather this information: port scanning, collecting information on operating systems, searching for known vulnerabilities, etc.


Once the vulnerabilities have been identified, it’s time to move on to exploitation. This stage consists in using these vulnerabilities to penetrate the target’s system. The aim is to gain unauthorized access to the target, in order to install malware or gather sensitive information.


Once you’ve successfully penetrated the target’s system, it’s time to move on to post-exploitation. This stage involves establishing permanent access to the system, by creating a backdoor or using loopholes to maintain unauthorized access. The aim is to be able to continue accessing the system even after the penetration test has been completed.

   5.Report writing

The final step in a penetration test is to write a report detailing the test results. This report should include all identified vulnerabilities, as well as recommendations for correcting them. It’s important to note that writing the report is a crucial step, as it enables the target company or individual to take steps to improve their IT security.

In conclusion, carrying out a penetration test is essential to guarantee the IT security of a company or an individual. The various stages of a penetration test, from reconnaissance to post-exploitation, are essential for identifying and correcting vulnerabilities. Writing a detailed report enables the target to take steps to strengthen its IT security and prevent future attacks. If you’d like to learn how to carry out penetration tests, we recommend you take a cybersecurity training course. These courses will enable you to master the various techniques used in penetration testing, and become an expert in IT security.

At LS2EC TRAINING, we offer cybersecurity training courses for all levels, from beginner to expert. Our training courses will enable you to understand the challenges of IT security, learn how to carry out penetration tests, and put in place strategies to protect your company or your customers against computer attacks.

By following our training courses, you will be able to detect vulnerabilities in your IT system, correct them, and strengthen the security of your company or your customers. Don’t leave the security of your company or your customers in the hands of hackers: get trained in cybersecurity today!
