
What is doxing?

What is doxing?

What’s doxing?

You know, doxing is a really worrying practice on the Internet. It basically consists of searching for, collecting and publicly disclosing personal information about someone without their consent. This can include details like their name, address, phone number, e-mail address, or even more sensitive information.

Doxing can be caused by a variety of motivations. Sometimes it’s simply to harass or intimidate someone by exposing their private life. Other times, it’s used as a form of revenge or blackmail. In some cases, it’s even linked to more serious cybercrime attacks, such as identity theft or fraud.

The consequences of doxing can be very damaging. Not only does it violate the privacy of the person concerned, but it can also have repercussions on their actual security. The information disclosed can be used to harass, threaten or even physically locate them. What’s more, once the information is accessible online, it is difficult to delete completely, which can have long-term repercussions on the target’s personal and professional life.

How to protect yourself from doxing?

Now, let’s talk about how to protect yourself against doxing. There are several important tips to follow.

First of all, be aware of what you share online. Avoid divulging sensitive personal information on social networks or other public platforms.

Next, regularly check your privacy settings on the different sites you use. Make sure you limit access to your profiles and control who can see your posts and personal information.

Think carefully before publishing or sharing. Before you post anything online, think carefully about what information you’re sharing. Avoid sharing sensitive or compromising personal information.

Also, avoid sharing your location. Avoid posting information about your location in real time or in too much detail. Also avoid sharing photos or statuses that reveal exactly where you are, especially if you’re alone. By reducing the amount of information about your location, you reduce the chances of being followed or targeted by people with malicious intent.

By following these simple tips, you can strengthen your protection against doxing and preserve your online privacy.
